Friday, July 26, 2024

An Obituary for the Goodest Dog

Alby (Albatross) Lambert was born on March 5th, 2010, in Whitechurch, Ontario to a Puggle mother and Boston Terrier father. When her adoptive family came to get their puppy, they were actually there for her sister Bubbles. Alby however had climbed the gate of the pen to greet them, and the family was told she was affectionately named Escape Artist for her unique ability of escaping. For her new family, it was love at first sight and she left with them that day! The name Alby was keeping with the family moniker of a “y” in the name, and it meant “white” for her white paws and patch on her head. Albatross was the affectionate name given to her by her favourite person.


Alby came to her new family within months of them losing their best dog Copper. She had big paws to fill, not to replace, but to bring new love into their home. She quickly showed her family how loving and loyal she was. She was gentle with the little ones and silly and playful with the big ones! She understood the rules of the house and was keen to pick up the training that was given to her. Alby loved to snuggle and was quick to take up any personal space on the couch or relocate to the warm spot after someone left their seat.


Alby was also masterful in securing treats. It didn’t take her long to detect which family members would shake the treat bag to get her back in the house or out of a room she wasn’t supposed to be in. Alby then found ways to get out of the house or into those rooms, just to ensure a treat would be had for her obedience. Many a chase was had, inevitably ending in the procurement of a tasty morsel. And when it came to treats, Alby had a special relationship with Grandpa. She knew when he was coming over and that there would be Timbits with his morning coffee. Alby’s excitement at his arrival could be heard halfway down the block and even as she got sick, this excitement never ebbed.


Alby protected her family and home from every intruder. There were no incidents on her watch, and she kept her family safe for over 14 years! Moreover, she would quickly go from guard dog to welcoming host when family and friends came by. Alby was often called a good dog, and quickly won over the hearts of anyone she met. Most recently at her new vet clinic, the staff and vet technicians let her know that she was the sweetest girl.


Alby’s family loved her. She went on camping trips, road trips and up to the cottage. She came to baseball games and soccer games and made the walks to school. She even found her way into sleeping in the bed instead of beside it. While her family adored her, nothing compared to how much Alby loved her family. She would wait at the front door for her little ones to come home from school. She would bounce and jump with excitement at the end of every workday when her favourite person made his way home from work. She laid on the bed when her people were sick. During her life with the Lamberts, she saw them welcome a new little person and Alby let her crawl on her, drink from her water bowl and pretend to be her with only love and affection.  When her family welcomed a new fur family member, Blue, Alby quickly took to showing her the rules, teaching her how to dog and loving her the way she had so easily loved everyone else.


In her final months, Alby, began to slow down. Her walks were shorter, her naps longer and her playfulness quieter. Blue had been her companion for five years now and they would often be found lying together, Blue curled into Alby or grooming her, following her every move. Alby maintained her tenderness and would cuddle into her humans and look for a scratch behind the ears. Even in the last months, it is believed that she held on just long enough to get her family through a profound loss before letting them know it was time for her to go. For that, her family is eternally grateful.


Alby (Albatross) Lambert died on July 26th, 2024, at the old age of 14.5 years surrounded by the family who were so appreciative to have spent her life with her.

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